Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD with Kids: What to Know Before You Go! | Kids Out and About Seattle

Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD with Kids: What to Know Before You Go!

Our nation's capital provides many opportunities for family fun and learning with kids of varying ages. This is our main "DC-Baltimore portal" to what you need to know to make the most of your vacation!

District of Columbia

The National Zoo

The National Zoo: Great tips for knowing when to arrive for optimal parking and the various animal experiences

The National Gallery

Going to an art gallery with young kids requires a certain, well, ART. Here are strategies you can use for one art museum in particular, so that you and your kids can make the most of their experience without their becoming bored. Read our article Bringing Kids to the National Gallery

Smithsonian's National Museum of American History

Yet another museum that you might be tempted to think of as an adult-only museum. But you couldn't be more wrong. One look at the photos in our article on bringing kids to Smithsonian's National Museum of American History and you'll forever change your mind.

Baltimore, MD

Kid-Friendly Baltimore Overview

This Family-Friendly Walking Tour of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor includes an overview of the Harbor, short reviews of Fort McHenry and the National Aquarium, a review of a Brazilian Steakhouse, Fogo de Chao, and the Baltimore Marriott Hotel, and links to the Maryland Science Center, Port Discovery Children’s Museum, Camden Yards Sports Legends Museum, Top of the World Observation Level, American Visionary Art Museum, and the Baltimore Harbor Pass for discounted admission to these attractions.

The National Aquarium

This much more detailed review of The National Aquarium takes our overview a step further.

Fort McHenry

It's easy to see why kids like the National Aquarium, but a little harder to see why Fort McHenry should be a stop on your itinerary. What kinds of families find Fort McHenry compelling? Check out our article

Cruising Out of Baltimore on Grandeur of the Seas.

What do you need to know about cruising with kids? Find Out here!

Calvert Marine Museum in Southern Maryland

KidsOutAndAbout.com reviews Calvert Marine Museum, a family-friendly marine Museum in Calvert County, Maryland.
